Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Chicken McNugget Challenge!!!!!!!

Once a week Mike and I have a date night. One date night we drove by a McDonalds and saw on their sign they had a deal, 50 chicken nuggets for $10. On the way to our date destination Mike and I got in a heated conversation about whether or not he could eat all 50 chicken nuggets in one sitting. So we decided for our date night the next week, thats what we would do.

I present to you The Chicken McNugget Challenge....

The 50 Chicken McNugget Challenge Rules we came up with:

Mike has to eat all 50 chicken nuggets in 1 hour and NO throwing up during the time he is eating the nuggets.

Once all the nuggets have been eaten he cannot throw up for 5 minutes afterward.

If he completes the challenge within an hour and there is no throwing up he gets $100 to do whatever he wants with, if he fails I get $100 to do whatever I want with.

Let the Challenge begin!

He looks pretty confident- 50 nuggets and a bunch of honey dipping sauce all ready to go.

This would be nugget #25 at around 15 minutes into the challenge. He isn't acting. That is real pain.

Here he is in the zone on nugget #50 at 56:20 into the challenge. Only 3 minutes left!!! Notice how the challenge has now brought him to his knees and he needed a cold towel on his neck to get him through the last few min.

Ahhhhhhhhhh sweet victory!!! Mike completes the eating portion of the challenge with a time of 58:25. He now must wait 5 minutes to see if he pukes before the challenge is officially won.

At the 5:01 minute mark Mike wins the challenge and earns $100 to spend how he chooses ( I bet it wont be on a gun ha ha). He said this was about as much celebrating as he could safely do. About three minutes after the challenge officially ended he slowly dragged himself into the bathroom and threw up everywhere. I am not kidding. It was not pretty. Let this be a warning to any of you who take this challenge lightly.


marci said...

ewwwww..... he could buy 500 nuggets with his $100 and have even more fun!

Jackson Family said...

lol yummy! I love it!

Ry, Shell, Maxwell and Henry said...

Thats pretty gross, and hilarious! I love the spontaneous fun things you guys do.